Yang-Wen (Joseph) Chen

Yang-Wen (Joseph) Chen

Software Engineer / Researcher

Joco Studio

Yang-Wen (Joseph) Chen was a senior software engineer at Alpine Electronics of America (AOAM) and Alpine Electronics Research of America (AOAMR). His expertise is in software design and development, embedded Linux system configuration and integration, Linux kernel and internals, as well as Yocto build environment.

Joseph and his team had joint development projects with Honda Silicon Valley Lab (HSVL) on Apple CarPlay and Google AndroidAuto, successfully demonstrating proof of concepts (PoCs) at Google I/O ‘14 and ITS ‘14. He was a software developer and integrator on machine learning based computer vision projects, implementing advanced camera systems based on TI Vision SDK and Links and Chains framework on TI Jacinto™ TDAx ADAS SoCs, using OpenMP and OpenVX for optimization on various development boards, such as NXP Freescale i.MX6 and Nvidia TK1 / TX1 / TX2.

From 2018, Joseph has expanded his horizons and explored AMQP and RabbitMQ as well as AVS Device SDK and Google Assistant SDK for IoT and virtual assistants related projects on Raspberry Pi along with AWS/GCP ecosystem. He also has developed various use cases using Alexa Skills with AWS Lambda and Dialogflow with Google Cloud Functions for a complete voice activated IoT solutions with Smart Garage and Speakers / Subwoofer PoC projects.

From 2004 to 2006, Yang-Wen was a research assistant at Spread Spectrum Communications Lab. in NSYSU, under the supervision of Prof. Hsiao-Hwa Chen, participating in various academic research projects sponsored by National Science Council in Taiwan, and completed his master’s thesis on Optimization of Code-Constellation for M-ary CDMA Systems. His academic research interests include advanced wireless communication systems and networks, as well as mobility resource management in wireless cellular and mobile All-IP networks. Recently, he is also interested in machine learning and deep neural networks. He has completed several courses on Coursera instructed by Professor Andrew Ng.

Yang-Wen holds a MSc in Communications Engineering from National Sun Yat-Sen University and a MSc in Computer Science from University of Southern California.


  • Software Development
  • C / C++ / Qt / QML / Python
  • Linux Kernel and Internals
  • Back-end / Full Stack
  • Machine / Deep Learning
  • Computer Networks
  • Wireless Communications
  • Symphonic / Heavy Metal


  • MSc in Computer Science

    University of Southern California, USA

  • MSc in Communications Engineering

    National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan

  • BSc in Electronics Engineering

    National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan

  • AS in Electronics and Computer Engineering

    National Ilan Institute of Technology, Taiwan